Samstag, 18. September 2010

Impressions of the orientation week

  • Being an exchange student is pretty cool...
  •  There are a lot of nice people at KU. Students or stuff, this is one big family!
  • Americans are awesome!
  • There are a lot of asian people at KU.
  • There are a lot of nice and cool asian people at KU!
  •  Most of the asian people give thereselves enlgish/american names because they know that nobody will be able to remember there asian names... (Btw.: In dependance on that I now have a chinese name, which is 'ZhūZhū' (pronounced like the german 'tschutschu') and means somethink like piggy or a cute little pig, respectively. I think I should stop talkin so much bullshit....)
  •  KU has many traditions, and most of them are really fun! This is obvious especially when it comes to athletes events!
  •  There's always something happening on or around the Campus.


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